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Professional Development, Technical Assistance, and Support



What makes the Common Goodness Project trainings so different? So effective?


Let's start with psychological safety. Too often psychological safety is an after thought in equity trainings. For me, it is a top priority. And I know that shame is always a tool of oppression. My goal, our collective goal, is thriving for LGBTQ+ youth through thoughtful, meaningful change. When shame is leveraged as a tool, or inflicted due to a facilitator's own unhealed wounds or unresolved anger, we work against our own goals.


Because I'm not here to make a point. I am here to make a difference.

And then there's how I define ally. Every person in every space I train is my teammate. I believe that you will trust that I am in this because I love kids and I trust you are here because you love kids too. We can trust that in one another. 

Finally, there's good, sound information. My workshops are grounded in the latest, most trustworthy research, my ongoing experience with countless providers in the field, and the wisdom and insight of our Youth Advisory Board members- LGBTQ+ youth who are paid to provide me with their guidance. 

This approach adds up to transformative learning experiences, practical solutions, and meaningful improvement in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth. Join me in stepping deeper into this good work.

Image by Daniel Bynum


Honoring the Indigenous cultures which have existed since time immemorial on the land I call home.

Working to notice and expose racism and to take anti-racist action.

Applying a trauma informed, intersectional lens. 

Undoing the stigma of mental illness.

Addressing ageism in myself and others.

Striving to make my learning spaces more accessible to all. 

Collaboration with others in the social justice movement. 

Ceaseless improvement. 

Relentless truth telling.

Kindness always.

To find out which Native Communities are indigenous to your area search at this map:

To learn more about the Lummi Nation land acknowledgement that I use in my meetings visit here:

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